Best Coding Classes for Kids and Students in Kolkata

Techhub Solutions
4 min readOct 1, 2022

As we enter the digital world, coding facilitates solid technological knowledge that prepares your child for 21st century practical skills that will give them an edge over their peers — in academics, project presentations, communication, logical thinking, problem solving, gaming. and development of your own custom app! Who says programming is only for engineers and technicians? Coding is adapted and applied in all areas of life. We offer the best coding classes for kids in Kolkata.

Benefits of learning coding for children:

  • Children make excellent problem solvers

Coding classes helps children understand problems and deal with them in as many ways as possible. So even if they fail in one way, their creativity encourages them to look at it from another possible angle. They don’t think of failure as an obstacle, but as an opportunity to bounce back with renewed vigor and enthusiasm until they succeed. Children take complex problems and break them down into smaller parts using logical and mathematical thinking. This logical thinking is a powerful tool at school, at work, and in life.

  • Children become great thinkers

Being able to code means your child has developed the ability to approach problems in different ways, if one doesn’t work, they try another. Their thinking and design skills are put to the test.

  • Helps develop logical thinking skills

To learn to code, it is necessary to develop the logical thinking skills of young minds. This is achieved by allowing children to break down and solve problems into smaller parts and approach them piece by piece. This is called decomposition and is an important feature of computational thinking.

  • Encouraging children to be creative

Creativity is an innate factor of coding, an important part of the process. Toddlers are creative. Children love to experiment — it gives them the thrill and excitement of trying new things. And for the result — they are the most expected. And when kids see the results of their efforts, it encourages them to try something new all the time and builds confidence.

  • It helps improve math skills and academic performance

Each alphabet in English has a special formula 0 and 1 attached to it. Learning this language helps children learn about the technology around them.

So now the question is when to introduce coding?

Studies show that the best age to introduce a language is as young as 7 years old; children’s minds are receptive to learning a new language.


Q. What is programming for children?

Ans. Programming is basically how creativity and technology can be the perfect combination for kids! Programming for children allows them not only to consume digital media and technology, but also to produce it. Technology takes a back seat while creativity takes center stage. Programming courses for kids teach basic life and programming skills to kids.

Q. How do I get my child coding classes?

Ans. Start talking to kids about game concepts and coding. It’s ideal for introducing children to coding with interactive concepts and stories they are already familiar with. Tell them that encryption is used to tell smart phones and consoles what apps to run and what games to play. Then research the best websites for free coding and web development for kids. Learn programming in simple terms, avoid technical terms.

Q. What is the right age to start programming?

Ans. Children can use computer code to create and use digital media and technology. Instead of just playing games or using apps, they can design their own video games or even websites. Visual programming environment is more suitable for children aged 5–8 years. Pre-teens and teens ages 13+ can learn coding.

Q. Is programming good for kids?

Ans. Children can benefit from programming lessons in many ways. All parents want their child to thrive academically, participate in extracurricular activities, and develop a well-rounded personality. Online coding for kids opens up a world of possibilities for them. Teaching children basic programming languages, especially when they are young, supports their development and success. We believe all children should have this opportunity, so Techhub Solutions offers courses to help kids learn to code in a fun and hands-on way.

Q. How do I register my child with Techhub Solutions?

Ans. You can request a call back or order a free demo on our website. or you can contact us any time.

Contact number: 9831295671 / 8902638428

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